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Classification of hydraulic systems

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2020-11-11 11:44
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(Summary description)Hydraulic components can be divided into three categories: power components, control components, and actuators. Although they are all hydraulic components..

Classification of hydraulic systems

(Summary description)Hydraulic components can be divided into three categories: power components, control components, and actuators. Although they are all hydraulic components..

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-11-11 11:44
  • Views:

Hydraulic components can be divided into three categories: power components, control components, and actuators. Although they are all hydraulic components, their own functions and technical requirements for installation and use are not the same. Now they are introduced as follows:

   One, what is a power element?

  Power components refer to various hydraulic pumps.

  1, gear oil pump and tandem pump (including external meshing and internal meshing) two structural types.

  2, vane oil pumps (including single-stage pumps, variable pumps, two-stage pumps, and double pumps).

  3. Piston oil pumps are divided into axial piston oil pumps and radial piston oil pumps. Axial piston pumps include quantitative pumps, variable pumps, (variable

The metering pump is divided into manual variable, pressure compensation variable, servo variable, etc.) From the structure, it is divided into two oil distribution methods: end face oil distribution and valve oil distribution. The oil distribution type of radial plunger pumps, Basically it is valve type oil distribution.

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Is the installation time for oil-air lubrication equipment long?

The installation of the equipment does not take much time, and the time required for overhaul and overhaul of the factory can generally be used.

Is the oil-air lubrication system noisy?

The noise generated by the oil-air lubrication system during operation is much lower than the noise produced by the factory